Upcoming: Exhibit at Union College

I am pleased to be part of this exhibit curated by artist Brece Honeycutt.    An excerpt from the curator’s statement:  “Just as one uses a guidebook when wayfinding in a city, Simon Mawer’s The Glass Room will serve as an architectural guide to examine, juxtapose and unite the works of Butler, Dudek and Palermo. Throughout Mawer’s book, the concepts, structures and images from the three artists’ works are made manifest.  It is almost as if Mawer had the vibrant planes of Palermo’s structures, or layered architectural shapes of Butler’s canvases, or the three-dimensional constructivist landscapes by Dudek in his mind’s eye as he wrote.  Mawer: “Steel will be as translucent as water.  Light will be as solid as walls and walls as transparent as air.  I conceive of a house that will be unlike any other, living space that changes functions as the inhabitants wish, a house that merges seamlessly into the garden outside, a place that is at once of nature and quite aside from nature.” *
* Simon Mawer, The Glass Room, (Other Press, 2009),  p.43.



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